

介紹台灣美食 必學3英文單字

撰文者:Buffy Kao 更新時間:2018-03-16 瀏覽數:8,305

November 4 - Attention All Staff:
Please be advised that there will be a fire drill on November 5th, at 2 p.m. When the fire alarm sounds, please proceed to the designated assembly or meeting areas on St. John's Square and Porter's Avenue in an orderly manner. Please be aware that the old assembly zone on Main Street has been abandoned. Please use the fire exits and do not attempt to operate the lift. Your fire wardens, Jake Daniels and Alison Moyes will be on hand to offer you assistance and take a headcount once the evacuation is complete.

1. What is the purpose of this memo?
(A) To appoint fire wardens.
(B) To notify staff of tomorrow's fire drill.
(C) To have all staff evacuate immediately.
(D) To brief staff on safety regulations.

2. What area(s) should they all go to?
(A) St. John's Square, Porter's Avenue and Main Street.
(B) St. John's Square.
(C) Main Street.
(D) St. John's Square and Porter's Avenue.

1. 題意為「這個備忘錄的目的為何?」
請大家先注意第一句的Please be advised that there will be a fire drill on November 5th, at 2 p.m.「請注意在11月五日下午兩點的時候會有一場消防演習。」從題目去了解,可發現這是個公司內部溝通用的備忘錄,而備忘錄的目的就是通知員工事情,因此我們可以得知這備忘錄是要告知員工有一場消防演習,內文應該就是注意事項等。因此答案要選(B)To notify the staff of tomorrow’s fire drill「通知員工明天的消防演習。」

為何答案是tomorrow「明天」呢?因為備忘錄發出的日期為November 4,而演習時間為November 5th,因此選項(B)為正確答案。

2. 題意為「員工在演習時應該要前往什麼區域?」
這題明顯為細節題,通常細節題只要在内文尋找相關字句就很容易找到答案。Please proceed to the designated assembly or meeting areas on St. John's Square and Porter's Avenue in an orderly manner(請依序前往指定區域或是在St. John廣場和Porter’s大道的會議區域。)從這句很明顯就可以看出選項(D) St. John's Square and Porter's Avenue為正確答案。

而這題要注意的是不能選(A),因為文中有提到Please be aware that the old assembly zone on Main Street has been abandoned(請著在Main街道的舊集會區已經遭到棄置。)也就是Main Street已不再能去,故不能選 (A)。

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