撰文者:李海碩 更新時間:2023-11-01
To: All Employees
From: Jane Doe, Head of Corporate Responsibility
Date: September 5, 2023
Subject: RSVP for ESG Seminar on Sept 20 with Dr. Emma Thompson
BrightWave Inc. is hosting an ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) Seminar on September 20, from 10 AM to 12 PM in Conference Room 401. Dr. Emma Thompson, a leading ESG expert, will be our keynote speaker. The seminar will focus on "Integrating ESG Objectives into Strategic Business Goals."
10:15 AM: Keynote by Dr. Thompson
11:00 AM: Q&A
11:30 AM: Networking
Why Attend?
Learn about the latest ESG trends. Align your work with our ESG goals.
RSVP by September 10 via the internal event portal. Your participation is strongly encouraged as we strive to integrate ESG best practices into our corporate mission.
For more information, email Jane.Doe@BrightWaveInc.com or call extension 5678.
1. AM/PM的M是「半日midday」的意思,AM指的是上半日,PM是指下半日,PM 12:00是下半日的12點,也就是中午,書寫或閱讀時要注意。
2. Networking雖然是「網路network」的延伸詞,在此指的是「人際交流」,在商業中相互交流是非常重要的環節,可以促進彼此的了解,增加合作機會製造雙贏的可能。
3. 邀請函「RSVP」指please respond,記得要回覆是否參加及參加的人數,除了是禮貌之外,也利於工作人員安排座位及膳食、資料文具等等的數量。
Corporate Responsibility企業(社會)責任
Definition: The ethical obligation of a corporation to act in a manner that benefits society at large, encompassing areas such as environmental sustainability, employee welfare, and community involvement.
Many consumers now prioritize buying from companies that have a strong sense of corporate responsibility.(現在很多消費者優先選擇購買具有強烈企業社會責任感的公司的產品。)
Her role in the company focuses on corporate responsibility, ensuring that they meet their social and environmental targets.(她在公司中的角色專注於企業社會責任,確保他們達到社會和環境目標。)
Definition: A meeting or conference for discussion or training on a specific subject, usually led by an expert.
I attended a marketing seminar yesterday to learn about upcoming trends in consumer behavior.(我昨天參加了一個營銷研討會,以了解消費者行為的未來趨勢。)
The department hosts a monthly seminar to keep the team updated on new policies and regulations.(該部門每月主辦一個研討會,以讓團隊了解最新的政策和法規。)
Definition: An acronym for Environmental, Social, and Governance, ESG refers to the three central factors in measuring the sustainability and ethical impact of an investment or business.
ESG的3個字分別是Environmental環境保護、Social社會責任、Governance公司治理,目前最有關聯的話題是碳排放carbon emission,但請理解ESG所涵蓋的內容遠大於碳議題。
Companies with strong ESG policies often attract more socially conscious investors.(擁有強大ESG政策的公司經常吸引更多具有社會意識的投資者。)
She is analyzing the ESG metrics of the company to ensure it meets sustainability standards.(她正在分析公司的ESG指標,以確保其符合可持續性標準。)
Definition: A principal speech or presentation that sets the underlying tone and summarizes the core message or most important revelation of an event.
所有的大型活動與會議一開始最重要的開場演講就是keynote,會為整場研討會進行基調,講者則稱為keynote speaker,通常是整場活動最重要的嘉賓。
The CEO's keynote at the annual meeting was motivational and set the company's direction for the year.(CEO在年度會議上的主題演講具有激勵性,並為該年度公司的方向定下了基調。)
She was honored to give the keynote speech at the environmental conference.(她很榮幸能在環境會議上發表主題演講。)
Definition: To combine or coordinate separate elements so as to provide a harmonious, interrelated whole.
We need to integrate the new software into our existing system smoothly.(我們需要順利地將新軟體整合到我們現有的系統中。)
The company is planning to integrate ethical practices throughout its supply chain.(公司計畫在其供應鏈中整合道德實踐。)
Definition: Relating to the identification of long-term goals and the means to achieve them.
Strategic planning is crucial for the long-term success of any business.(戰略規畫對於任何企業的長期成功至關重要。)
His strategic vision for the company includes entering new markets.(他對公司的戰略願景包括進入新市場。)
Definition: The practice of interacting with others to exchange information and develop contacts, especially to further one's career.
Networking at industry events has helped her form partnerships that benefit her company.(在行業活動中建立人脈幫助她形成對公司有益的合作夥伴關係。)
He got his new job mainly through networking with former colleagues.(他主要是通過與前同事建立人脈得到了他的新工作。)
Definition: A general direction or pattern in which something is developing or changing.
Remote working is a growing trend in the tech industry.(遠程工作是科技行業中一個不斷增長的趨勢。)
She is always keen on following market trends to make informed investment decisions.(她總是熱衷於關注市場趨勢,以做出明智的投資決策。)
Definition: To arrange or adjust something in a straight line or in correct relative positions; to bring something into a line or alliance.
The marketing team needs to align their strategies with the overall business goals.(市場營銷團隊需要將其策略與整體業務目標對齊。)
It's important for your personal values to align with those of your employer.(你的個人價值觀與雇主的價值觀一致非常重要。)
Definition: To make great efforts to achieve or obtain something, often over a period of time.
本字為不規則動詞,三態為strive strove striven,後方介詞為努力希望達成的事情,介詞使用for。
We strive for excellence in customer service.(我們力求在客戶服務方面達到卓越。)
She is striving to make the project a success despite tight deadlines.(儘管時間緊迫,她仍在努力使該項目成功。)
1. The team's main focus is to guarantee that the company _______ social and environmental goals.
(A) meet
(B) meets
(C) meeting
(D) met
2. Did you go to the _______ on consumer behavior last week?
(A) trend
(B) seminar
(C) keynote
(D) responsibility
3.The CEO's _______ at the conference was inspiring.
(A) networking
(B) trend
(C) keynote
(D) seminar
4. The IT department is planning to _______ the new software into the existing system.
(A) align
(B) strive
(C) integrate
(D) trends
5. _______ planning is crucial for a company's long-term success.
(A) Networking
(B) Strategic
(C) Trend
(D) Seminar
6. Sarah found her new job primarily through _______ with past colleagues.
(A) networking
(B) align
(D) integrate
7. Question: Remote working is a _______ that has been growing rapidly in the tech sector.
(A) trend
(B) seminar
(C) network
(D) keynote
8. It is important to _______ your personal values with your professional goals.
(A) trend
(B) strive
(C) align
(D) network
1.團隊的主要重點是保證公司_______社會和環境目標。答案:(B) meets。
2.你上週去了_______關於消費者行為的研討會嗎?(A) trend趨勢;(B) seminar研討會;(C) keynote主題演講;(D) responsibility責任。答案:(B) seminar。
3.CEO在會議上的_______非常鼓舞人心。(A) networking人脈;(B) trend趨勢;(C) keynote主題演講;(D) seminar研討會。答案:(C)keynote。
4.IT部門計畫將新軟體_______到現有系統中。(A) align對齊;(B) strive努力;(C) integrate整合;(D) trends趨勢。答案:(C) integrate。
5.規畫對於一家公司的長期成功至關重要。(A) Networking人脈;(B) Strategic戰略;(C) Trend趨勢;(D) Seminar研討會。答案:(B) Strategic。
6.Sarah主要是通過與過去的同事_______找到了她的新工作。(A) networking建立人脈;(B) align對齊;(D) integrate整合。答案:(A) networking。
7.遠程工作是科技行業中一個迅速增長的_______。(A) trend趨勢;(B) seminar研討會;(C) network人脈;(D) keynote主題演講。答案:(A) trend。
8.將你的個人價值觀與你的職業目標_______非常重要。(A) trend趨勢;(B) strive努力;(C) align對齊;(D) network建立人脈。答案:(C) align。
本文經授權轉載自TOEIC Program Taiwan.Chun Shin
「TOEIC Program Taiwan.Chun Shin」是台灣唯一的官方的TOEIC粉絲團,由忠欣股份有限公司代理,將TOEIC®品牌最新動態、測驗訊息以及英語學習等各項資源提供給應試者及成績使用單位。
TOEIC®系列測驗為日常生活及職場領域的國際英語溝通能力評量工具,全方位的評量英語聽說讀寫之能力;全球有超過1萬4,000家之企業、學校和政府單位採用。忠欣公司為TOEIC®品牌台灣地區總代理,負責TOEIC®及TOEIC Bridge®測驗及學習品之推廣以及測驗辦理,忠欣公司致力於推廣英語教育,藉由國際英語測驗與學習產品,提昇英語溝通能力,和大家一起運用英語力與國際接軌!
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