
學會2英文單字 在國外電腦被駭也不怕!

撰文者:梁民康 更新時間:2017-05-24 瀏覽數:3,058




May: My computer crashed when I turned it on. All I got on the screen was a strange, frozen image showing a big lock, a couple of timers, and a bunch of words I didn’t quite understand.(我的電腦在開機時當掉了。我在螢幕上只能看到奇怪的凍結畫面,有一把大鎖,兩個計時器,還有一堆我看不太懂的文字。)

Jay: OMG, your computer has been hacked. The hackers have encrypted your files.(老天爺啊!妳的電腦被駭了。駭客把妳的檔案加密了。)

許多電器用品上面都有計時器,如烤箱、微波爐等,稱為automatic timer(自動計時器)。計時器故障automatic timer malfunction常出現在聽力的獨白題與閱讀測驗當中,作為客戶投訴(customer complaint)的緣由之一。而「填客訴單」to file a complaint,也是常考的片語。

請注意automatic(自動的)與automated(自動化的)語意不同!automated專指「以機器取代人力」,如影印機、ATM(自動提款機);而automatic則泛指任何自發的動作,如the ban automatically takes effect(禁令自動生效),但不能用automated。

*補充字彙:Crash(v.,當機)、Frozen image(凍結畫面)、Hack(v.,駭入)、Encrypt(v.,加密)



Jay: They lock your files and you have to pay them to get your computer back to normal. The standard payment is US$300-600. But you can’t pay them cash. You have to pay in bitcoins.(他們把妳的檔案鎖住,妳得付錢才能讓電腦恢復正常。標準的金額是三百到六百美金左右。妳還不能付現金,而得付比特。.) 

May: Bitcoins? I’ve never heard of that kind of currency. Is it more valuable than NT dollars? Should I pay? I’ve got some really important files in my computer.(比特幣?我從沒聽說過這種貨幣。它比新台幣大還是小?我該付錢嗎?我的電腦裡面有很重要的檔案耶!)


Valuable形容詞為「值錢的」,若當作名詞,意思是「貴重物品」,常用複數呈現。例句:The movie star had to sell most of her valuables to pay the debts.(那位電影明星必需賣掉絕大多數的貴重物品,才能償還她的債務。)



Jay: Don’t worry. What’s an IT guy for? I believe there are other colleagues in the office who are having the same problem. I’ll get my team and deal with it, and you will have your computer back in no time.(別擔心,資訊部是拿來幹嘛的?我相信辦公室裡還有其他同事正面臨相同的問題。我會找我的組員來一起解決這問題,妳應該很快就可以拿回妳的電腦了。)

*補充字彙:Colleague(n.)同事、Deal with(對付;處理)、In no time(很快地)



John: Mr. Toyoda, I’ve heard about the ransomware problem in your company. Is everything alright? There are so many computers in your office. Are all of them hacked or just some of them?

Mr. Toyoda: Thank you for asking, John. Almost half of our computers were hacked. We should have updated our operation system regularly. We didn’t because many employees complained that the software update slowed their computers down. Anyway, we hired some experts and the problem was solved.

John: It’s good to hear that everything’s fine. I have told my colleagues and my family to be wary about fraudulent emails and unfamiliar websites. They are the most possible sources of viruses and malware.


1. What kind of problem did Mr. Toyoda have in his company?

(A) His company just lost a big contract.

(B) Many of his fellow workers have caught virus.

(C) A number of computer had the ransom ware problem.

(D) He fired a lot of workers recently.


2. What was the reason behind the problem?

(A) Many of Mr. Toyoda’s colleagues didn’t update their computer software.

(B) The hackers were former employees of Mr. Toyoda’s company.

(C) Many customers complained about Toyoda’s service.

(D) Mr. Toyoda didn’t know how to update his computer.


3. What has John told his family and coworkers to be careful about?

(A) Saving files often in case their computers crash.

(B) Questionable emails and websites.

(C) Colleagues who may steal their files.

(D) The people they hire to hack their computers.






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