

不只能用「cancel」 學會4種取消會議的英文片語

撰文者:Buffy 更新時間:2018-05-23 瀏覽數:44,635

W: Why didn’t you tell me the product planning meeting had been called off? I was sitting in the seminar for 15 minutes, from 10:00~10:15, but nobody came.
M: It was posted on our department sub-site this morning. We are supposed to log on and check the e-schedule every morning when we come in, right? Charles Burnett, who is in charge of product development, called in sick at around 8:00. There is no way we can have the planning session without him.
W: Didn’t it occur to you that since I arrive every morning at 7:00, maybe I did check our website but it wasn’t posted at that time?
M: I see your point. Oh, it’s my fault, I suppose. I’m sorry I didn’t let you know.

1. What is the problem?
(A) A website is down.
(B) A product is faulty.
(C) A meeting was cancelled.
(D) An employee was late.

2. What did the man assume about the woman?
(A) She called in sick today.
(B) She didn’t plan to attend the meeting.
(C) She already received the sales report.
(D) She knew about the change in schedule.

3. When did the woman arrive for work this morning?
(A) 7:00.
(B) 8:00
(C) 10:00
(D) 10:15

1. 正確答案為(C),題意為「出了什麼問題?」對話的一開始女方就質問男方說「Why didn’t you tell me the product planning meeting had been called off?(你怎麼沒告訴我產品計畫會議已經被取消了?)」由於call off的同義詞為cancel,因此可以判斷正確答案為(C) A meeting was cancelled,其中注意選項(B) A product is faulty是典型的混淆視聽題型,對話中雖然出現fault,但是和產品有瑕疵的(faulty)完全無關,因此不能選。

2. 正解為(D)。題意為「男方的假設女方的什麼事情?」其中男方被質問後說到「We are supposed to log on and check the e-schedule every morning when we come in, right? (我們每天早上到公司就要登錄網站並且確認當天的電子行程表,不是嗎?)」男方用反問句來確認一個肯定的訊息,因此我們可以推斷這是共識,男方認為女方如果有確認新的行程表,應該會知道會議遭取消一事,因此答案為選項(D) She knew about the change in schedule。其中選項(A) She called in sick today也是混淆視聽題,對話中提到生病請假的人是產品發展主導人,而且不是女方,故不能選。

3. 正確答案為(A)。題意為「女方幾點到公司?」雖然對話中有出現多個不同的時間點,不過在對話中,女方說了這麼一句話「Didn’t it occur to you that since I arrive every morning at 7:00, maybe I did check our website but it wasn’t posted at that time?(你難道沒想過既然我每天早上都七點到公司,或許我確實有確認過但是當時行程表還沒更新嗎?)」因此可以確認答案要選(A) 7:00,其餘時間分別代表負責人打來請假時間、女方在會議室等待時間等,因此皆不可選。

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