他不但預測當前趨勢,更落實到如何準確研判多空循環轉折,並從人口學、地理學,和世代交替的角度,賦予經濟數據更多意涵。令人驚訝的是,他以平易近人但十分透徹的大量數據佐證,加上流行口語的寫作,竄起成為台灣最具影響力的財經部落客暨作家,讀者遍及美國和中國。他縝密的分析,準確無誤地預測了2008 年金融海嘯。而這次,他的書將更大膽研判新一輪的經濟循環──他將告訴我們,這波美股牛市會走到哪、以及何時結束!
In the sea of economic data and indicators, analysts seek to explain the current economic trends and how that impact business sectors and stock selections. Izaax aims higher, a lot higher. Izaax not only predicts the current trend, he seeks to time the cycle of boom and bust, provides insights on the social economic implications across demography, geographies, and generational transformation. Most amazingly, he did it all in plain but crystal clear quantitative argument and in highly fashionably entertaining writing, making him one of the most influential financial bloggers and authors fromTaiwan, with fans from US and China. His flawless analysis successful predicted the 2008 global financial crisis, and his book once again makes brave, big bet on the next economic cycles -- how high the current US stock boom may go and when it will all come to an end! I have thoroughly enjoyed
this book that is packed with wisdom and insights, and am personally deeply impressed by his analytical talent at his young age. This is a must read book for anyone who is investing!