

多益改版你準備好了嗎? 破解聽力題必學3招

撰文者:李海碩 更新時間:2017-08-09 瀏覽數:8,970

38. What is the conversation mainly about?
(A) An enlargement of office space
(B) A move into a new market
(C) An increase in staff numbers
(D) A change in company leadership

39. Why does the woman say, “I can’t believe it”?
(A) She strongly disagrees.
(B) She would like an explanation.
(C) She feels disappointed.
(D) She is happily surprised.

40. What do the men imply about the company?
(A) It was recently founded.
(B) It is planning to adjust salaries.
(C) It is in a good financial situation.
(D) It has offices in other countries.

第三位對話人物(Man 2)提供的兩則訊息分別引出了「讓別人回答搬遷上去的部門是哪一個(I wonder which division will move up there when it’s finished)」,以及「提供公司拓展原因(Yeah. Well, the company must be making good money if they’re adding that space!)」這兩個功能。

前者的訊息可以與第一句中的office expansion結合,提供更完整的資訊讓考生處理第一題,順利選出enlargement of office space的(A)選項。而後者則是回答第三題的必要訊息,因為賺更多錢(making good money),所以財務狀況好(in a good financial situation),答案為(C)選項。

