

撰文者:Buffy Kao 更新時間:2020-12-21 瀏覽數:12,963

Step 3:Podcast recording equipment and software(步驟3:播客錄音設備和軟體)
Podcasts have a low barrier to entry; if you want to start a podcast, it's relatively easy to begin the process with little overhead or experience. You can start recording a podcast with just your iPhone and a pair of headphones. Remember, your content is the most crucial part.(播客的投入門檻很低,如果你想要開始一個播客,只需要花費少少的費用和少許經驗,過程相對簡單。你可以使用你的蘋果手機和耳機就開始錄音。記住,你的內容才是最關鍵的部分。)

a low barrier to entry進入門檻低,entry就是enter的名詞變化,直接將整句記住就可以表達這個意思。

這個副詞有比較級的意思,後面加上形容詞,如relatively low、relatively easy等用法很常見,注意後面的形容詞不可以用比較級,直接用原型即可。

多益考裡面這個用法則多用在飛機上,overhead compartment指的是頭頂上放行李的地方。


Dear Mrs. Leonard,
In response to your request for information on this year's Scientific Society's Convention, I am pleased to confirm that the event will run over the weekend of the 30th and 31st of July. The venue is unchanged from last year, The Chesney Conference Center; however, we will be hosting some additional seminars in the adjoining facility, The Chesney Parks Hall.

This year, there will be an additional administration fee of $5 per person on top of the $5 entrance fee, which gives you complete access to all the venues, facilities and events. Donations are also encouraged - the Science Society is a voluntary, non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of science and to promoting discussion within and beyond the scientific community.

Parking spaces will be at a premium, therefore I strongly advise you to book in advance should you wish to travel by car. There is a fee of $5 per parking space. It is not recommended that you travel by car unless you have booked a space in advance, as you may be turned away at the gates of the complex. Alternatively, you may wish to take the complimentary shuttle bus which departs from the Hayton Hotel in the city center on the hour, every hour between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. on both days.

We look forward to greeting you in person at the event.

Yours sincerely,
James Shaw

1. What is James Shaw's main reason for writing this letter?
(A) To notify Mrs. Leonard of the upcoming convention.
(B) To provide Mrs. Leonard with the information she requested.
(C) To encourage Mrs. Leonard to attend the convention.
(D) To provide Mrs. Leonard with details on how to get to the convention.

2. How much does it cost to attend the convention if you want parking?
(A) Nothing, though donations are welcome.
(B) $5 per person.
(C) $10 in total.
(D) $15 in total.

3. What travel advice is given?
(A) Those attending the conference are strongly advised not to travel by car.
(B) Anyone wishing to travel by car should book a parking space in advance.
(C) Anyone who arrives in a car will be turned away at the gates.
(D) The complimentary bus shuttle should be booked in advance.

1. 正解為(B)。問的是「請問James Shaw寫這封信的主要目的是什麼?」因為文中James提到「In response to your request for information on this year's Scientific Society's Convention, I am pleased to confirm that the event will run over the weekend of the 30th and 31st of July.(為了回應你請求今年科學協會會議的相關資訊,我很開心可以和你確認這次會議將會在7月30、31日舉行。)」因此可以推測James寫信目的就是提供對方所需求的資訊。這題若對於信件基本結構有概念的話可以很快掌握,通常信件開頭就會立即說出寫信目的,因此看到這樣的題目,直覺就是從開頭兩三句尋找即可。

2. 正解為(D)。第2題問說「若需要停車的話,參加會議共需花多少錢?」一開始提到「there will be an additional administration fee of $5 per person on top of the $5 entrance fee(除了入場卷5元外,還需支付額外的5元)」,這樣就是共10元。而在後面第3段作者又提到「There is a fee of $5 per parking space.(若要停車需要支付5元停車場費)」,如此一來,前後加起來共15元。這題需要連貫前後不同段路的資訊來判斷。

3. 正解為(B)。第3題問說「作者給予怎樣的旅遊建議呢?」旅遊建議就必須要看第3段「I strongly advise you to book in advance should you wish to travel by car.(萬一你希望開車來,我強烈建議你預先訂車位。)」因此答案選(B)。

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