  • Smart自學網 財經好讀 好生活:進修充電 世大運近尾聲 快學會「破紀錄」的3種說法
    好生活 > 進修充電

    世大運近尾聲 快學會「破紀錄」的3種說法

    撰文者:Buffy Kao 更新時間:2017-08-29


    多益 TOEIC 世大運

    4. a personal best of 個人最佳成績

    In the women’s 200m final, Italy’s Irene Siragusa won gold with a personal best of 22.96 seconds, followed by Latvia’s Gunta Latiseva Cudare, who took silver with a personal best of 23.15 seconds.

    (在女子兩百公尺決賽中,義大利的Irene Siragusa以個人最佳成績22.96秒贏得金牌,而拉脫維亞的Gunta Latiseva Cudare則是以個人最佳成績23.15秒贏得銀牌。)

    文中提到兩位選手都破了個人紀錄,因此作者用了兩次a personal best of來表達他們個人最佳成績,介係詞of後面也是加上此紀錄內容,用數字表達。

    在說明獲得銀牌的選手時所使用的followed by是「接著為……」,用被動態表達了後者的紀錄跟著前者,也就是「緊接著」,所以followed by後面都要加上第二名或第二位。

    To: Hank Martin <>
    From: Anna Sabiani <>
    Date: August 28 11:47
    Subject: Promotional opportunity

    Hi Hank,
    I am forwarding the press release about the Solar Trophy that I mentioned to you this morning.

    I met Bill Bradley, the race coordinator, at the solar energy conference in Manila where he was giving a presentation about the event. I understand from him that the first race was a huge success and generated enormous media coverage both in traditional media and on the Internet.

    For the next edition of the race he is expecting applications from as many as twenty yachts from seven different countries, including Japan.
    He suggested that we might like to sponsor one of the crews especially as we are already supplying marine versions of our solar panels to a number of boatyards in Europe and Asia. He particularly recommended that we contact Sven Hadrada of SailYard boats as they are apparently considering entering the race.

    We've both worked with SailYard on several occasions. Do you think you could contact them as soon as possible and set up a meeting to explore ways of working together on this?

    Best regards


    1. What is the Solar Trophy?
    (A) A competition for road vehicles
    (B) A solar energy research award
    (C) A boat race
    (D) A shipping company

    2. Which type of craft can enter the Solar Trophy?
    (A) Ocean liners
    (B) Inflatable boats
    (C) Sailboats
    (D) Solar-powered yachts

    3. How many times has the Solar Trophy been held?
    (A) Once
    (B) Twice
    (C) Three Times
    (D) Ten Times

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