  • Smart自學網 財經好讀 好生活:進修充電 春節假期來臨!學會超實用3句祝賀語,讓你拜年不卡詞
    好生活 > 進修充電


    撰文者:Buffy Kao 更新時間:2022-01-28


    多益 成就英文 充滿英文


    1. May this year bring new happiness, new goals, new achievements, and many new inspirations to your life. Wishing you a year fully loaded with happiness.(願今年為你的生活帶來新的快樂、目標、成就與靈感。祝你充滿幸福的一年。)

    achievement(n)「成就」來自於動詞achieve,是「達成」的意思。同義詞a sense of achievement同樣是「成就感」的意思。其他常見用法如a sense of pride「自豪感」、a sense of superiority「優越感」、a sense of loneliness「寂寞感」、a sense of emptiness「空虛感」、a sense of well-being「幸福感」、a sense of satisfaction「滿足感」、a sense of relief「解脫感」。

    achiever另外兩個常見的說法high achiever/low achiever,指的就是「成就出眾或是落後的人」。

    Not enough attention is given to the low achievers in the class.(班裡成績較落後的人沒有得到足夠的關注。)

    It gives you a sense of achievement if you actually make it to the end of a very long book.(如果你能真正讀完一本厚書,就會有一種成就感。)


    His confident leadership inspired his followers.(他那自信的領導風采激勵著他的追隨者。)

    He gave an inspirational reading of his own poems.(他朗讀了自己寫的詩歌,讓人很受鼓舞。)

    be loaded with「充滿」和full of和filled with都是同樣的意思,load做動詞就是「裝載」的意思,如upload「上傳」或download「下載」的動詞,當作名詞時有「大量」的意思。

    I've got a load of work to get through before tomorrow.(明天之前我要完成很多工作。)

    2. Wishing you a year full of blessing and filled with a new adventure. Happy New Year 2022!(祝你這一年充滿祝福與冒險。2022年新年快樂!)

    be full of等於be filled with「充滿」,這句祝賀語中用了同義詞的用法,展現用詞的多樣性,讓讀者更能引發閱讀興趣,是基礎的閱讀寫作技巧。

    3. Do not forget to raise a toast as we embark on a new year and start afresh! Wishing you all a happy new year!(在我們開啟新的一年時,不要忘記舉杯慶祝!祝大家新年快樂!)

    raise a toast「舉杯慶祝」是一個正式祝賀用語,通常用在婚禮等正式場合時,舉杯慶祝向新人祝賀的用語,raise有「舉高」的意思,在此代表「舉高酒杯」。另外還有make a toast或是propose a toast的用法,動詞propose有「提出」的意思,注意要用介系詞to來接祝福的對象。除此之外,toast本身也可以用作動詞。

    No one thinks to bring a present or raise a toast.(沒有人記得帶禮物或是舉杯祝賀。)

    Now, if you'd all please raise your glasses, I'd like to propose a toast to the bride and groom.(現在請大家都舉起杯來,我提議為新娘新郎乾杯。)

    We toasted the happy couple.(我們為這對幸福的伉儷敬酒。)

    embark on「啟程」,embark本身就是「上船」的意思,並延伸出「開始著手做⋯⋯」之意。embark後方的介係詞可以用upon或on,差別在於upon是較正式的用法。因此整句話就是祝福對方開啟一個嶄新新年的意思。

    We embarked at Liverpool for New York.(我們從利物浦登船,前往紐約。)

    We're embarking upon a new project later this year.(今年晚些時候我們會著手進行一個新企畫。)

    start afresh「重新開始」,fresh用作形容詞,但是這裡必須用副詞修飾動詞start,因此改成afresh。英文中類似的例子還有afar(遙遠地)、afoot(腳下地)等。

    1. Congratulations on your well-deserved promotion!(恭喜你晉升,你應得的!)


    2. Way to climb the corporate ladder!(祝你日日升遷)
    climb the corporate ladder是代表「高升」的意思,這個用法是將公司比做一個梯子,corporate就是代表「公司」因此就是爬著公司的梯子往上,常用來描述一個人在公司不斷升遷。這句就是要祝賀對方「日日高升」的意思。

    3. Happy Work-iversary!(工作週年快樂!)

    4. Working with you has always been one of the perks of this place.(能夠與你工作對我來說是在這裡的福利。)


    A company car and a mobile phone are some of the perks that come with the job.(這份工作的一些額外待遇包括配備公司車和行動電話。)

    Unadilla Fence and Supply, Inc.
    3220 Rt. 7 East, Unadilla, NY 13849

    Sales – Installation – Repairs
    Residential – Industrial
    All Types of Fencing
    Landscape Supplies – Sheds – Outdoor Furniture

    We hereby submit specifications and estimates for the furnishing and installation of the following:

    Take down and remove 20 sections of 3-rail fence with attached wire mesh. Install approximately 205 feet of 4-foot-high fence with regular posts. 26 fence sections, 2 4-foot gates. Top of fence to be as level as possible.

    Customer responsible for determining property lines and location of fence, clearing fence line, and obtaining permits.

    We hereby propose to furnish labor and materials in accordance with the above specifications for the sum of Three Thousand Eight Hundred and Ninety dollars ($3,890). 50 percent deposit required. Balance due upon completion.
    This proposal may be withdrawn by Unadilla Fence and Supply if not accepted within 30 days.

    1. What type of document is this?
    (A) An advertisement
    (B) A proposal
    (C) A work schedule
    (D) An order form

    2. What kind of work is being discussed?
    (A) Replacement of a fence
    (B) Installation of a patio
    (C) Lawn maintenance
    (D) Furniture repair

    3. What is NOT stated in the document?
    (A) The terms may no longer apply after 30 days.
    (B) The total amount must be paid in advance.
    (C) The customer must get permits for the work.
    (D) The materials are included in the price.

    1. 正解為(B)。題目問「這是個什麼樣的文件?」文章中提到We hereby submit specifications and estimates for the furnishing and installation of the following.(我們在此提出以下家具裝設和裝潢的規格及估價),加上後面We hereby propose to…(我們在此提出)與前面呼應。因此(B)提議單,能向顧客提議服務內容及相對價格,為正確答案。

    2. 正解為(A)。題目問「文章裡談論何種工作服務?」首先看到大標Unadilla Fence and Supply,表明這是間柵欄/籬笆修護、設立和相關零件販售的公司,後面提到公司提供「拆下20區3杆絲網柵欄」、「設立約205英尺長,4英尺高的一般杆柵欄」即可判斷出工作內容和替換柵欄有關,故應選答案為(A)。

    3. 正解為(B)。題目問「哪一個選項在文中並沒提到?」文中提及50 percent deposit required.(需預付50%的訂金),與(B)「需事先全額付清」不符,故應選答案為(B)。

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