  • Smart自學網



    推薦序:I hope people would buy into this story
    出版品:叢書 > 精采試讀

    推薦序:I hope people would buy into this story


    After reading your book, I have a feeling that most Taiwan investors spend too much time chasing information and inside info, as well as trading high and lows.

    The approach you proposed is effective over the longer term. However, this is a path less travelled by investors and most of the retail/institutional investors choose a less aggressive way - trading in and out. I think your approach is more aggressive but rewarding over the longer term as long as you get the target right. And, you book did show how to pick the right targets - companies with sustainably high ROEs in the past and in the future. The common question faced will be - if investing is this simple, how come few people makes money in the stock market.

    Now this is the point - who makes money in the stock market, and how. Most people do not believe there is an easy way to successful investing and this book demonstrates one. And, I hope people would buy into this story.

    Michael, this path is less travelled by many and I feel lucky to have kept in touch with you over the past decade. Yes, I have known you more than 10 years. Time really flies.

    Good luck to your book publishing.


    陳如中(Andrew Chen)


    經歷:日商日興(Nikko)證券台北分公司 研究部經理
       英商怡富(Jardine Fleming)證券公司 研究部副理
    現職:晉昂證券投資顧問公司 總經理


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