  • Smart自學網 財經好讀 好生活:進修充電 颱風季來臨,外出旅遊行程恐受阻!班機取消、撤離的英文怎麼說?
    好生活 > 進修充電


    撰文者:Buffy Kao 更新時間:2022-09-13


    flight cancellation班機取消
    Evacuations and flight cancellations have been ordered in Japan's southern Okinawa Island. The typhoon is also expected to bring intense rainfall to the Korean Peninsula, bringing the possibility of flooding. (taiwannews)(日本的沖繩島南部已經下令撤離和航班取消。颱風預期會為韓國帶來大量降雨,甚至可能會引發淹水。)

    evacuation and flight cancellation 解釋為「撤離和班機取消」, 名詞evacuation來自於動詞evacuate,前者字尾是「-tion」變化,動詞字尾為「-ate」,是常見的字尾變化。evacuate加上介系詞from代表「從⋯⋯地方撤離」的概念,採用被動態。

    A thousand people were evacuated from their homes following the floods.(洪水爆發後,1,000人撤離了他們的家園。)

    The police evacuated the village shortly before the explosion.(在爆炸前不久,警察將村莊裡的人全都疏散了。)


    They had to cancel tomorrow's game because of the bad weather.(因為天氣太糟,他們不得不取消了明天的比賽。)

    The 7:10 train to Budapest has been canceled.(7點10分開往布達佩斯的火車被取消了。)


    Many trains are subject to cancellation because of the flooding.(多趟列車因洪水而被取消。)

    The theatre tickets were sold out, so we waited to see if there were any cancellations.(電影票已經賣光了,所以我們等著看是否有退票。)

    intense rainfall大量降雨
    intense rainfall指的是「大量降雨」,形容詞intense表示「強烈的、熱切的」。動詞intensify有「強化」之意,是字尾「-ify」的動詞字尾變化。另外intensity則是「-ity」名詞字尾變化,有「強烈、劇烈」的意思。

    He suddenly felt an intense pain in his back.(他突然覺得背部一陣劇痛。)

    Fighting around the capital has intensified in the last few hours.(首都周圍的戰鬥在過去的幾小時裡變得更加激烈。)

    The explosion was of such intensity that it was heard five miles away.(爆炸的巨響5英里以外都能聽見。)


    Intensive bombing had reduced the city to rubble.(密集轟炸把城市炸成了一片瓦礫。)

    密集課的英文就是two weeks of intensive training「2週的密集訓練」或是an intensive course in English「英語密集課程」的說法。

    而rainfall是一個複合名詞,來自於the rain falls這個概念,將名詞和動詞組合一起變成降雨的名詞變化。

    Heavy rainfall ruined the match.(大雨讓這場比賽泡了湯。)

    The average annual rainfall in this region is 750 mm.(該地區年平均降雨量是750毫米。)

    shelter 收容所、避難所
    Ships were told to return to port to take shelter from the wind, and the center also urged people against large gatherings both indoors and outdoors.(船隻被告知要返回港口來迴避強風,該中心也督促人們避免大型室內或戶外的聚會。)

    take shelter from the wind解釋為「迴避強風」,take shelter就是「尋找遮蔽物」的意思,名詞shelter代表「避風港」,常見的說法如air-raid shelter「防空洞」、animal shelter 「動物收容所」等。

    They opened a shelter to provide temporary housing for the city's homeless.(他們開設了一個收容所,爲該市無家可歸者提供臨時的住宿。)

    temporary housing「遊民收容所」就是shelter的同義詞,通常搭配動詞片語give/provide shelter from...「提供避難所來抵抗⋯⋯」的用法,介系詞from要連接躲避的事物,例如下雨或強風。shelter也可以當動詞,有「躲避、避難」的意思。

    We were caught in a thunderstorm, without anywhere to shelter.(我們遇上了雷陣雨,沒有避雨的地方。)

    A group of us were sheltering from the rain under the trees.(我們一群人在樹下避雨。)

    另外,urge sb against...「督促某人避免⋯⋯」動詞urge在多益測驗中很常見,通常用在促使某人去做某件事urge sb to V,後方用to加原型動詞,屬於不定詞用法。urge也可以當作名詞,有「衝動、慾望」的意思。

    Lawyers will urge the parents to take further legal action.(律師們會力勸家長們採取進一步的法律行動。)


    The most urgent thing in a fire is to make sure everyone is out of the building.(失火時最緊要的事是確保所有人都撤離大樓。)

    Many people are in urgent need of food and water.(很多人極需食物和水。)

    1. Next Thursday the Lambert Historical Society will present __________ methods for learning more about the history of your home.
    (A) specify
    (B) specifying
    (C) specific
    (D) specifications

    2. Although Oliver Rodriguez' books have shaped the way that businesses handle staff relations, he does not consider __________ an expert on the subject.
    (A) he
    (B) him
    (C) his
    (D) himself

    3. Since many people want to attend the awards ceremony on Friday, extra buses will be made __________ to the public.
    (A) additional
    (B) frequent
    (C) available
    (D) employable

    1. 正解為(C)。題意為「下週四Lambert歷史協會將會介紹明確的方法讓你能夠更了解關於你家房屋的歷史。」本題要選一個適合的形容詞來修飾空格後方的methods(方法),故(C)為正解。

    2. 正解為(D)。題意為「儘管Oliver Rodriguez的書已經塑造了公司處理員工關係的方式,他並不認為自己是這方面的專家。」本題要考sb consider oneself sb else的動詞consider用法,故(D)「他自己」為正解。

    3. 正解為(C)。題意為「由於許多人想要參加週五的頒獎典禮,因此將向大眾提供額外的巴士。」本題在考慣用語sth be made available的用法,available在此代表「取得」的意思,故(C)為正解。

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